Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted

Earlier this summer, we blogged about the interplay between content and context in successful, and unsuccessful, marketing executions. We forwarded the notion that while content is definitely king, context is jurisdiction, and many times errors are more prevalent in... // Events

Want to promote your upcoming event? The events calendar on is open to Jacksonville residents, all you need is a account. If you do have a login Login...

Content Matters

From the 100s of local customers we work with every week, we often get privileged insight into challenges that Jacksonville businesses face in attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.  We see many business owners struggling to quantify the value of the...

What is Social Selling?

For the past few months we have talked about the importance of social media and the reasons you should be on these different platforms.  How about using these platforms to sell?  Social media is more than just creating brand awareness and creating customer contacts,...

The Use of Various Social Media Channels

Many of our digital tips so far have focused on the use of various social media channels – whether you should be using them or not, what sort of content is effective, what sorts of audiences are there, etc.  We certainly aren’t the only ones writing about best...

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