Looking for real advice to grow your business? You’ve come to the right place.

From hard-hitting facts to interesting antidotes, our blog tells you the best ways to market your small to medium-size business. Learn tips to make your social media soar, amp up your online presence, or motivate your team to take it to the next level.

What is Your Value Proposition?

What is Your Value Proposition?

I know what you’re thinking: my what now? There are endless buzzwords, meaningless jargon and empty terminology that surround the world of online marketing, and there may be a temptation to simply throw “value proposition” in that same category. But the idea of a...

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4 Mind Hacks You Can Use to Sell Online

4 Mind Hacks You Can Use to Sell Online

Business ultimately comes down to communication. Whether you’re in sales or marketing, your job is to make sure the other party understands your business and knows the value your service or product can bring to them. It doesn’t matter if you’re remodeling kitchens or...

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Do Hashtags Still Matter?

Do Hashtags Still Matter?

In a high-tech world where communication with almost every living soul is available at the push of a button, the hashtag is a decidedly low-tech solution. When you think of the millions of lines of computer code powering so many aspects of our lives today, they are as...

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Employee Spotlight: Meet Leann

Employee Spotlight: Meet Leann

At Times-Union Media, we work to create strong partnerships with our local customers, understanding their specific goals and creating custom solutions that add value to their business. Our mission is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our readers and...

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