Earlier this year, the internet lost its mind over Sunny Co Clothing, when it promised in a social media giveaway to send every customer who reposted a photo a free bathing suit.
The swimwear brand, started by two University of Arizona business students, gained massive attention on Instagram. It’s impossible to say how many people actually reposted the photo, but it garnered 346,663 likes, and generated tons of memes mocking the contest.
When the company did release a coupon code, which was available to everyone (not just those who reposted the photo), many complained that they were charged full price ($64.99) instead of only shipping and handling, while others said the swimsuit was sold out.
Company co-founder Brady Silverwood released a statement saying, “My main priority right now is to fulfill all of the orders we have received. I won’t be satisfied until we do so.” The company also promised refunds for anyone who inadvertently paid full price for the swimsuit.
While bikini-gate became a hot topic for a couple days, the more important story here is the power of social media and why it’s important to do it properly in order to be successful.
As a business owner, I’m sure you’ve had your ups and downs navigating the wide world of social media. Fortunately for you, your downs (probably) didn’t end up as national news.
While the media soon forgot about bikini-gate, we can still pull some important lessons out of this young company’s public mishap.
No. 1: Start small
As with any form of marketing, social media is best executed when there is a plan in place. Even if you’re already posting, it’s not too late to pull together a plan. You can check out a variety of templates that can save you time, help you get organized and stay one step ahead of the game.
No. 2: Slow and steady wins the race
While some brands have managed to become an overnight sensation, most of the time building your social media followers takes time and patience. While it may be frustrating to watch the numbers slowly crawl up, it’s more important to build a loyal, interested fan base, than to reach those who have no long-term interest in your products or services.
No. 3: Set realistic expectations
If it’s not in your budget to host a giant giveaway, then guess what — you probably shouldn’t host a giant giveaway. There is a method to planning a giveaway, but always be sure to set guidelines with any contest or giveaway. You want to be upfront and honest with your followers about your limits.
Bonus tip: Contact a professional who can help! If you’re ready to build your social media, but don’t want to end up a meme, give us a call at 904.638.7555, or fill out our contact form.
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